(My apologies for such a small column this week. I’m in a hectic time right now, trying to get a lot of things done at once. Regular writings will return next Saturday.) The technetic must be a good citizen. This does not mean a slavish adherent to a statist ideology or the unflinching acceptance of government. No, being a good citizen in the technetic sense is about participating in the construction and reconstruction of your community. For those of us living in constitutional or parliamentary republics, it's about voting, standing up for the issues we feel are most important, and supporting our fellow human. For those in more repressive regimes, citizenship requires more sacrifice, as you must strive toward the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice.
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Weekly Technetic #29: Citizenship
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(My apologies for such a small column this week. I’m in a hectic time right now, trying to get a lot of things done at once. Regular writings will return next Saturday.) The technetic must be a good citizen. This does not mean a slavish adherent to a statist ideology or the unflinching acceptance of government. No, being a good citizen in the technetic sense is about participating in the construction and reconstruction of your community. For those of us living in constitutional or parliamentary republics, it's about voting, standing up for the issues we feel are most important, and supporting our fellow human. For those in more repressive regimes, citizenship requires more sacrifice, as you must strive toward the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice.